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Working @ Confocal NL

Looking beyond what’s known to innovate and find the best solutions for our customers.

Fast-growing and dynamic

At Confocal NL, our mission is to improve the microscopy experience of researchers. We help researchers accelerate their discoveries by offering them confocal imaging solutions that respect their specimens and minimize phototoxicity. Confocal NL caters to the needs of scientists and microscopists, by developing solutions that are not yet available in the world of microscopy. We are a fast-growing and dynamic international company. We create innovative and clever design technologies for you, built to be the most user-friendly solution out there, continuously challenging the microscopy market.


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Satisfied researchers
around the globe

Prof. Erwin PetermanFaculty of Science, Physics of Living Systems, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The NL5 has enabled us to image deep in different parts of the C.elegans that we could not so far measure properly.

Gabor CsucsETH Zürich

RCM is a very easy to use system that we have in combination with STORM and it provides great underlay images for STORM data.

Dr. Yannick LeursChemical Biology, Eindhoven University of Technology

The NL5+ has been instrumental in advancing our studies. It allowed us to image our samples quickly and deeply with very low laser power, providing consistent, high-quality imaging.

Gabor CsucsETH Zürich

RCM is a very easy to use system that we have in combination with STORM and it provides great underlay images for STORM data.

Our partners globally

We have partnered with key distributors to promote our disruptive technology globally and to help researchers.

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