TRACERx analysis identifies a role for FAT1in regulating chromosomal instability andwhole-genome doubling via Hippo signalling Publication TRACERx analysis identifies a role for FAT1in regulating chromosomal instability andwhole-genome doubling via Hippo signalling
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A live-cell super-resolution technique demonstrated by imaging germinosomes in wild-type bacterial spores Publication A live-cell super-resolution technique demonstrated by imaging germinosomes in wild-type bacterial spores
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Organization and dynamics of the SpoVAEa protein and its surrounding inner membrane lipids, upon germination of Bacillus subtilis spores Publication Organization and dynamics of the SpoVAEa protein and its surrounding inner membrane lipids, upon germination of Bacillus subtilis spores
Pneumolysin promotes host cell necroptosis and bacterial competence during pneumococcal meningitis as shown by whole-animal dual RNA-seq Publication Pneumolysin promotes host cell necroptosis and bacterial competence during pneumococcal meningitis as shown by whole-animal dual RNA-seq
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Depletion of the cellular cholesterol content reduces the dynamics of desmosomal cadherins and interferes with desmosomal strength Publication Depletion of the cellular cholesterol content reduces the dynamics of desmosomal cadherins and interferes with desmosomal strength
Look-alikes may not act alike: Gene expression regulation and cell-type-specific responses of three valproic acid analogues in the neural embryonic stem cell test (ESTn) Publication Look-alikes may not act alike: Gene expression regulation and cell-type-specific responses of three valproic acid analogues in the neural embryonic stem cell test (ESTn)